when i add clean up crew


Once my tank is done cycling i was looking at clean up crews first before i added my first fish. I have a 72g tank i was looking on this website and they have a package for 55-100 gal tanks clean up crews... Is this to many things to add at one time its like 40 hermit crabs 5 emerald crabs 20 snails and 1 shrimp. I had just heard it was bad to put to many things in your tank at one time.


Even Though i like the way hermit crabs look i don't think there as nessisary as snails. From what i have READ snails will do alot more than a hermit crab and Hermits at times are agreesive and territorial. I do like Hermits so i have a few in my tank but i personnaly focus more on Snails so if you just get 20 snails i think you'll be fine just adding them right in.
If i'm wrong please correct me i'm still new at this too