When I am ready to bump to my new tank


Can you tell me what is the most important equipment to have. I am thinking of getting a 140 gallon tank. I know that I need a good filter, power heads, a skimmer and good lighting. What are some good brand names and what is a good price. Also, I guess I would need to transfer what is in my tank now and add to it. so I would need more live rock and sand.
Do I need to have a sump??? Any other important equipment to consider before buying and setting this up???


Those questions can be answered a bunch of different ways. We need to know what you plan on doing with the tank first.
Fish Only
Fish only with live rock
On the sump depending on what you were doing I would recommend a sump and refugium. A sump will allow you to put all of your equipment (heater, protein skimmer, etc) without it showing in the display. A fuge will allow you to grow macros and pods.


Since I want to do my tank right this time, I want to make sure that I have the right equipment. That is why I posted in the classified to see if anyone lives in my area and I can buy a tank with all of the equipment with it. You can get a really good deal that way.
When I am ready, I will post more info.
I think that I want a reef tank, because I want to have clams, mushrooms, and coral, but I also want to have plenty of fish. I may go for more fish and less inverts. I like the live rock and the corals, due to the colors, but I want to enjoy lots of fish. I am thinking about buying a 125-140 gallon. If I can, I will make it mainly LR with some of the corals, anenomes and mushrooms, but more fish that inverts.
I am going to try and really think this out more before I get it going. The thing is that I don't really want to keep the tank I have. I want to have the bigger one and take the 55 back to the store. I may keep it, but that raises the investment. I feel like I could have got a better deal on the tank and that is kind of why I want to take it back.
We'll see what happens. I have to stabilize my tank first.


You can have a reef and fish with inverts. There are some fish that will eat inverts, but most of them will also nip at corals, clams,etc so you most likely wont be able to have them anyway.
Also in a reef tank your inverts actually allow you to have more fish as they clean up the fish waste and missed food lowering your bio-load. You have the right idea take it slowly.
You could use the 55 as a sump/fuge for a 125-140, then you wouldnt have to buy an expensive premade sump.


I really don't have room for both since the 55 came with a stand and canopy. It is pretty big. I was hoping to find someone who had a 125 with a sump already in place so I can get a package deal with good lighting, skimmer, powerheads, filter, stand, tank, canopy, and other very good items to have. I have seen in the classifieds that people are selling this stuff in a package for a good price. Hopefully I can land a good deal, otherwise I will have to buy every thing new.
Can you buy a tank at a store and then buy equiment here from the classifieds for a better price????