Yesterday, I comeback from the party late at night, put the light, and water in my tank gone milky-hazy. It was an unusual noise coming from the powerhead. When I looked, one of the anemone was sucked in it, so I only assumed that was the reason, as it could not be anything else.
I measured ammonia, and water test was dark green -2-3mg/lt at least! I did not measured anything else, as it will be very pointless at that stage. I've panicked and immediately changed about 30% of water, and ammonia did go down till about .0.50.
It was in the night, so most fishes was hiding and asleep, even more so, when I was messing in the tank. In the morning, the only dead creature I found, was one of my cleaner shrimps (the oldest and the largest one). All other 2 younger cleaner shrimps are fine, as well as all fish. I am not sure about other "less sociable shrimps and tiny crabs which tend to hide behind the rocks most of the time.
My question is: how long does it take for fish/coralls/crabs/shrimps. etc to die after such ammonia spike. If they are seemed ok now, can I breath a sight of relief? Or its not over yet, and I should prepare myself for more "casualties" during the next few days?
I measured ammonia, and water test was dark green -2-3mg/lt at least! I did not measured anything else, as it will be very pointless at that stage. I've panicked and immediately changed about 30% of water, and ammonia did go down till about .0.50.
It was in the night, so most fishes was hiding and asleep, even more so, when I was messing in the tank. In the morning, the only dead creature I found, was one of my cleaner shrimps (the oldest and the largest one). All other 2 younger cleaner shrimps are fine, as well as all fish. I am not sure about other "less sociable shrimps and tiny crabs which tend to hide behind the rocks most of the time.
My question is: how long does it take for fish/coralls/crabs/shrimps. etc to die after such ammonia spike. If they are seemed ok now, can I breath a sight of relief? Or its not over yet, and I should prepare myself for more "casualties" during the next few days?