When I plan on going reef what kinds of test kits do I need


I have aquarium pharmacuticals test kits right now. I have the saltwater master kit. It contains Ammonia, PH ,Nitrites , and Nitrates test kits.
What other test kits do I need for a reef tank? I plan on going reef in the distant future.....distant.
Please help guys


test kit of most use will be cal alk and ph. the ammonia and nitite kits you will need if you have troubles but really aren't needed once established. Nitrate also You can have lfs test but you may want them the first year. po4 andyou can test at lfs also if they do it free save $$ But alk,cal,ph ,nitrate and po4 you may like to have old test kits arewn't accurate and are only recommended for 1yr fwiw