when is the cycle done?

tank specs- 30g long, prizm, 280 emperor, one powerhead
its been up for about three weeks but about a week ago i took out the crushed coral and put some live rock in (25lbs) and today i got 40lbs of live sand, when do you think the cycle will be done, i also have 2 green chromis in there.


It is really hard to say how long a cycle will take. Each tank is different. Some tank as long as six weeks and some never see a cycle. You should be doing your ammo and nitrite testing on a regular basis to see the cycle process. This will also give you a chance to see what is going on in your tank. The cycle won't be complete until the ammo and nitrite levels are zero. Patience is the key when it comes to the cycle. I know how hard it is to keep from buying stuff for your new tank, but don't buy anything yet! A young tank is more unstable and any changes made will greatly affect any and all parameters. Even when the cycle is done, one fish at a time, and check the levels of ammo and nitrite. Give them at least two weeks break-in period(sometimes even a month), then get your next fish. Better to be safe than sorry, and knowing how your tank is doing will ensure success. HTH--Bob


Not to mention if you just bought 40lbs of live sand, if it is not completed already, it will probably complete in the next day or so. Since live sand already has the necessary bacteria in it that is usually created during the cycling process you might be good to go. Check your levels. Then do it again.. :) Just to see how it looks.