When Should I See Results?


My flame angel has been in the hospital tank for just about 3 days now w/ copper. The copper level should just now be getting to the concentration recommended on the bottle. When should I expect to see results? Granted there seem to be fewer spots in total but just when the spots fall away a few new ones seem to re-attach. I would think that having the copper in the tank would prevent new parasites from attaching onto the fish. I also tried garlic w/ him but he refuses to eat anything that has been soaked in it. Also the instructions say to leave the concentration at .5ppm for 14 days. Do you guys think that is long enough? Should I observe him in the hospital tank for another week or so after I remove the copper just to make sure he's still not infected? Thanks! ;)


Staff member
Continue the prescribed treatment for 2 weeks. I would leave the fish in the hosptial tank for a month after he has regained total health--that means no visable signs of parasite and acting and eating normally.
Do water changes after the copper treatment is over, but don't do mass changes as this can cause stress in fish.
The ick cycle is 3 weeks, but I like to that extra wk as a margin of safety.
If you don't have a UV in your main tank, consider getting one.