When should they eat?


I bought a small yellow tang and a perc clown fish yesterday. The LFS told me to feed them some frozen herbavoire stuff. Ive tried feeding them twice now and they wont eat. I also gave some carnivoire pellets to the clown but nothing.
Can these fish with stand moderate current in my reef tank?

nm reef

Active Member
First....it may take some time for them to get used to there new home before they start eating
Second I've got a yellow tang and a pair of perculas and they eat virtually any thing offered...(formulas 1&2..mysis..brine..sea weed selects..assorted flake foods..trimmings from caulpera..) :cool:


I agree, give them time. I'm not sure the percs will eat that much of a true herb diet. Tangs usually like to graze on algae. I used to thaw frozen spinach and attach it on rocks in the tank. They used to love it. Be sure to take it out in 24 hours because it decomposes quickly. If healthy, I'm sure the tang will eat some of the herb. foods you listed in due time.