This is much of a debate. The thing with a reef and UV is supposedly running it kills of the naturally occurring fauna in the water column. Which corals take up and aid in their growth. So in that essence if it could kill the population off, then it wouldn't be helping the corals any. However, the corals can take up many things that are in the column, like detritus. Additionally, having a large enough refugium and plenty of rock, IMO negates this point.As there will be a large population and the UV wont see all the flora/fauna. Of course UV kills everything that passes through it if it passes through slow enough. However, it can also be beneficial from time to time. It will kill any algae that it sees as well as any cyano bacteria. SPS's in particular don't like algae growing on their skeletons as they grow. Also, of course it can help ward off parasites for your fish etc. I would say if you feel the need to use one, use it for specific purposes, on a case by case basis.
I chose to remove my UV but because it was chincy and I had flow issues with it mostly. I am happier now without it.
My .02