When to add copper?


I have a 10g QT that just finished cycling, and I wanted to know when I should dose the copper.
Should I dose the copper before I put a fish in there, then acclimate or acclimate the fish, then dose the tank with copper?


Staff member
Otradnoje, what exactly are you trying to do? Why are you using copper?
Fish should go into tank, acclimate. Once everything is well and they are settled in, then you can start medicating. This a a good rule for any threatment.


Gotcha ,I'm going to use Cupramine on an ich-ridden fish I have on hold at my lfs (he just came in yesterday, so I'm letting him settle down there before bring him home) mainly because I consider hyposalinty treatment to be too much of a hassle.
One more question, after the fish has settled in, and I dose the copper, should the fish remain in the QT with the copper still in there,throughout the 3-4 week period, or should I remove the copper via carbon if the fish is showing no sign of infection and just leave the fish in there (with the copper taken out) for the remainder of the 3-4 weeks?


Staff member
You need to complete the full course of treatment. Be sure to get a Seachem test kit. You will need to test regularly.
I have to say that hyposalinity is the "safer" choice. Copper is a toxic medication. Toxic to parasites, less toxic to fish.



Originally posted by Beth
You need to complete the full course of treatment. Be sure to get a Seachem test kit. You will need to test regularly.
I have to say that hyposalinity is the "safer" choice. Copper is a toxic medication. Toxic to parasites, less toxic to fish.

I have 2 bottles of Cupramine and a copper test kit in my 'fish locker'
Thanks for the help beth!