when to expect the ammonia spike?


New Member
Just wanted to thank everyone for their help up to this point. I have my 100g completely set up with 85# of live rock and a 5-6"DSB and everything looks great. I emptied a minute rice bag and placed it in distilled water the rinsed it with salt water and placed a shrimp inside to jump start the cycle. The bag comes with hundreds of small holes that allows water to circulate but wont allow the shrimp pieces to circulate around the tank. I sealed the open end with some fishing string. My question: How long does it normally take to see the large ammonia spike? The tank has been up and cycling for 5 days with only minor elevations in ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. How long does it take to see the large algae bloom? I used distilled water so I'm not sure that it will be that largew anyway. Is it possible to not have a large ammonia spike if alot of live sand and cured live rock were used since they already have an abundance of the beneficial bacteria?


Active Member
could you perhaps post the highest levels you had of Ammonia and nitrite.
If your LR was completely cured and you just put one shrimp in a 100 gal tank, I am not surprised you did not have a large spike. The beneficial bacteria on your LR would have done a lot in taking care of the decaying shrimp. Some might tell you to maybe put some more shrimp in to really see a spike, but I am not sure. I would be careful in stocking your tank though and go very slowly and see how the tank reacts to each new addition. See the tank cycled to the bioload of just the one decaying shrimp.

tony detroit

Active Member
Filler up with more shrimp, then your fish load won't be as big of a shock to the system. One shrimp in a 100gal is a little on the low side.