When to get an anemone


I've read the 6 month standard well established tabk etc, but are there specific things to look for? in my case the tabk has been up 5 months, ive got 216w of t5 HO on a 55. do my water changes religously. What specifically should i be looking for to determine if i'm ready for one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nuro
I've read the 6 month standard well established tabk etc, but are there specific things to look for? in my case the tabk has been up 5 months, ive got 216w of t5 HO on a 55. do my water changes religously. What specifically should i be looking for to determine if i'm ready for one?
Your off to a good start. Your tank is large enough for some species and your lighting is also sufficient for some too. Basically from here out you want water tests for ammonia and nitrites to be 0. nitrates to be as low as possible and pH, salinity and temp to not fluctuate. If this has all be established then my next bit of advice is to research what type of anemone you want as they are all different kinds, all with different requirements. Once you know which one you want, make sure your set up is right for it. And learn what a healthy specimen looks like from an unhealthy one. More often than not when purchased from a LFS hobbiest are sold unhealthy animals and are told they are healthy. During this time you will be familiarizing yourself with the specific species your interested in and what you will be expected to provide it to keep it healthy and happy. HTH and good luck.


thanks that helps alot, I'll start doing research now, im crossign my fingers on getting my false percs to host it, instead of my return. Thanks again!


If you have powerheads or intake tubes for a filter be sure to put a sponge or piece of mesh over it so it don't get sucked into the powerhead or filter intake tube.


Also keep in mind even the perfact looking speciman could debunk! My buddy has been in this for 12+ years and lost a purple carpet after 2 weeks and now he has a red doing great!