When will my cycle start??


Hi everyone...Ive been reading a while and you guys are so helpful! Heres the deal. I set up a 55..LR (some), L/S (80 LBS) I used some stuff (to cycle)that you put in the dark for 48 hrs then add to the tank with other ingredients. Youre supposed to keep the tank lights off for 48 hrs, but I didnt. Anyways..its been a week, 5 Damsels..NO ammonia. I didnt start testing till yesterday.
When will I start to see ammonia? I thought I would by now.
Thanks a million..
SQ :confused:


Alot depends on the quality of the live rock and sand. Did you buy sand in a bag or did it come out of the store's tank? Does the rock have alot of life on it? I setup a new tank in August. I used the dead coral from my 55 for the base rock and bought at least 150 lbs of live rock from my LFS. The rock had been in his tank for weeks. The LFS also gave me some bio balls out of his tank to seed my bio balls. The second day after setting it up I noticed my Comet was getting picked on and his fins were in bad shape. I took him out of the 55 and put him into the new tank. I have tested my water at least twice a week since August 15th and I have not had any ammonia, nitrite, or nitrates. As you can see I added several things that had established colonies of bacteria on them. That greatly reduced the amount of time it took to cycle. I have added fish and always test every four days when stocking a new aquarium. The ammonia will start to rise in 3-4 days if you are going to have a problem. By testing every four days you should catch any problems before they get out of hand. I also added a product called cycle on Friday, because I added two medium - large fish. I don't think it was really neccessary, but I didn't want to take a chance. The moral of this long post is, if well established rock and sand were used, then yes you probably have cycled. Add one small cheap fish and test in four days and again in one week. If everything reads zero, then you have cycled. But, go slow adding fish and test frequently until you are fully stocked. I hope this helps and good luck.


Thanks!! I thought I had to see algae before I could even think that I was cycled...my damsels are fine..5 of em..all my tests are zero..even nitrates which i thought I needed. maybe I'll try to add another hardy fish although I havent decided what to add...I thought I had more time..lol.
Thanks again for helping a newbie..
Chris :)


I meant to tell you..I have 120 LBS packaged live sand, and only about 20LB live rock from my fish store..it was in their tank. I couldnt afford any more...the stuff is expensive and I spent a fortune on the L/S. :D