Where are my worms?!


So, almost every night, I take a flashlight and look at all the cool things in my tank. Over the past week, I have noticed the population of clear flatworms and bristleworms gradually go down to nothing. I used to see them everywhere! I just looked in there and I found ONE flatworm. I haven't done anything different, but cut down feedings to once every 3 days to help fight a cyno problem I was having. Anyone have any ideas? :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by TXBrittany
So, almost every night, I take a flashlight and look at all the cool things in my tank. Over the past week, I have noticed the population of clear flatworms and bristleworms gradually go down to nothing. I used to see them everywhere! I just looked in there and I found ONE flatworm. I haven't done anything different, but cut down feedings to once every 3 days to help fight a cyno problem I was having. Anyone have any ideas? :)
you cut back your feedings.... so you cut back on the excess food.... you cut back on the worms!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TXBrittany
:( aren't they good to have in there though? Should I be feeding more?
They are ok to have..... not a necessicty.... But they do a good job of clean up. I would not feed directly for them personaly, but if you like them alot feed a little more often, and they will come back.


thanks for your help! So, now I have dead worms all in my tank? Are there any toxins in them that will mess up the water?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TXBrittany
thanks for your help! So, now I have dead worms all in my tank? Are there any toxins in them that will mess up the water?
Not unless you had HUGE ones..... if you can see them to remove them then just get them out... if not you will be fine..... how long has your tank been established?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TXBrittany
They were maybe 3 inches long. It's been up for 5 months :)
If you see them then pull them, but you will have the benificial bacteria to hold up aginst them! You should be fine!