where are the bubbles

reef ring

New Member
hi, been tring to read some threads on this subject but can really get good answer does any body know how come i have thousnd tiny little bubbles floating in the tank , suppose they don't hurt anything but but they don't make the tank look clear or sharp. was wondering if there something i am doing wrong or this is common i have a wet/dry sump with a overflow box and a in the sump skimer plus a power head that just sits in the tank but it is at full blast. i have hangoverfilter to.


Active Member
The bubbles are more than likely resulting from the skimmer. This can be eliminated by placing the skimmer in a certain portion of your sump. I have never had a sump, so I will leave it to those with experience to guide you through this.
Make sure you aren't utilizing the air intakes on your powerheads, you shouldn't have any sort of aeration in a marine tank, only rapid water movement.

reef ring

New Member
mudplayer what is the air intakes on the powerhead it is completly submerged in the water, and the skimmer can only fit in one spot sumps not big enough to move around with the main pump in there an all .


Active Member
What brand of skimmer do you have? I hope it is not a visi-jet or a seaclone... those are notorious for poor performace with escaping bubbles. I know, I have one

Skimmers require frequent adjustment to keep them efficient, this includes to keep the bubbles from escaping. Can you see bubbles escaping from the skimmer?
I hope somebody with a sump helps you out, because I have very limited knowledge on sumps.