where are they?


:notsure: Suddenly I can't find my 2 peppermint shrimp! I haven't seen them in a couple of days or so. My cleaner shrimp, snails, emerald, and hermits are okay. I checked my water parameters and they were all fine. My tank is 29g.
temp. 80
ph 8.2
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates still around 20 ( they've consistently stayed at 20)
My tank has been up and running for about 6 weeks. I have 29 pounds of rock (live and base) and 2" of sand (live and aragonite). The only other thing in the tank so far is a feather duster, and I'm not sure if it is alive or not (no bad smell).
Any ideas? I see no sign of them at all. Did aliens abduct my shrimp????


Mine use to stay out during the day, but now they borrowed underneath a rock and only come out at night when the lunar lights are on.....


Ours don't come out much during the day either. They both stay in a cave like area that I've made with the LR.
I have seen them peek out when the dusk lights are on, so I'm sure they're out and about when the lunar light is on.


Active Member
Marine tank inhabitants are like ninjas. I spent over an hour looking for one of my fish (thinking it leapt out of a small, uncovered portion of the tank).
It turns out that it was hiding under a ledge of one of the peices of live rock like a little assassin.