where can i buy RO Water??


Active Member
I've bought Distilled water at Walmart before...I want to buy some bottles RO water...will walmart have that? Any chain store that you guys know would be great..


My local Super Walmart has a machine. I think it cost about .25 per gallon. Also, about any grocery store has machines these days. Hope this helps.


i buy my RO water from walmart, here they have it in the same section as the distilled. they also have it at Bruno's but i doubt you have a Bruno's in NY, i think it is a southern chain.
i have heard of some people haveing the water truck deliver those big 5-10 gallon jugs to their house. the company was called alhambra where i used to live, but it is the jugs for those water coolers in office buildings.


Active Member
I get mine from a vending machine for only $.25 a gallon. This stuff goes through a filtration process that no practical home unit can duplicate.
A couple different types of carbon/mechanical filtration, ro, di, and uv.