Where can i find a.....


I know ive asked this before and i really didnt get anywhere with it.
I want a pair, either mated or juvenile, of Black and white O. Clownfish or Onyx clownfish. I know bang had been breeding the O. clowns but i couldnt get ahold of him. I woudl really like to buy from a fellow hobbyist rather than a store. help is much appreciated.


Active Member
if my gold stripes breed ill give some 2 u im in new york but im on the island but im not getting excited yet bc i still havent seem eggs all i see is her tube down.


I would love to have a pair of GSMs but my tank isnt big enough i only have a 30 gal. and an upgrade isnt in the near future....


Active Member
I once asked my LFS to get me a pair of mated perculas, they called me up when they got a bunch of clowns in and only has 2 maroons for $100.00 it seemed to expensive plus I wasn't sure they were mated how would one know?


they have pairs of black clownfish mated pairs on *Link Removed* for around 120 bucks thats pretty cheap i think :notsure:


yeah but they are seabe and i wanted the B&W O. Clowns. Im not too fond of the seabe.
THey do have the mated pairs of True Perc, so if worse comes to worse ill get a pair of those, i just really like the O. clowns and the B&W variety are really nice.


Are they young enough from SWF that i have a chance of them pairing up? I dont want to buy two that are matured and have them try and kill each other. It says 1-2 inches so im assuming that it will be alright.
OH and the name on SWF is B&W Percula, while the sci. name is Ocellaris. I believe thats what i wanted right? And about the Onyx clowns? Anyone seen a breeder selling those?


Active Member
yea thats them 1-2in is fine they probably keep them all in the same tank so they will probably sort it out i have other websites but cant give the links u got aim by ne chance?


yup noalibi2004 i found a guy that breeds them rods-reef or something liek that and i emaile him. I think inland aquatics has them but my LFS wont order from them unless they are doing at least 200$ worth and even thenthey are going to jack up the price....