where can I find acryllic panels for homemade sump?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tannersmith200
does anyone know where i can find acryllic panels for my homemade sump?
do they sell them at home depot or lowes?
Yes they do.
you could also buy plastic storage containers which are much less expensive


i got mine at a local glass shop.
A little bit more expensive, but they were cut to my precise dimensions and had extremely smooth edges....


Active Member
If all you are doing is building baffles, then the 1/4" panels from Lowes/HD will work fine.
But if you are building an entire sump, you probably want to go to a plastics supplier that can get you cast acrylic. The stuff sold at HD/Lowes is extruded. It tends to yellow and swell up over time. I built a sump once with this stuff and it lasted about 18 months before seams started busting due to the swelling.
If the sump isn't large, you can order small cut pieces from US Plastics or any number of other suppliers. If it's a big sump, I'd look for a local plastics company, or just eat the freight charge and get a 4x8' sheet.


Make sure whatever you do to get the right thickness, 1/4" should be good as stated above.
I just put some baffles in my fuge and didn't even think about thickness of acrylic, filled it up with h20 to check for leaks and the panel between the fuge area and return chamber looks like a dam about to burst. It's got a pretty good curve to it, i'll have to figure something out.