Where can I find automatic top off?


Active Member
I haven't seen them anyplace, and we are planning a trip in the near future and don't want to bother neighbors to come in everyday to do top offs.


Originally Posted by puffer32
I haven't seen them anyplace, and we are planning a trip in the near future and don't want to bother neighbors to come in everyday to do top offs.
Puffer, I think you can look at a Tunze 5017. That is what I have. All you need is a small tank for it to pull the water from. It comes with two shut off valves in case the first one fails. Not sure if that alone covers everything. But basically there is a controlling unit, a pump (for the reserve tank), and a couple of levelers. Someone else could probably tell you, but my guess is that it is an all in one kit. They are probably gonna run you $175.
For me though, it is a life saver.


I just bought one on line from

. They are a complete setup with the controller, pumps, two float switches and a reserve tank (5 or 10 gallon). I can't give you a real review of it yet. I am waiting for it to be delivered. I will let you know when it gets here.


Active Member
All you need is an electronic float switch. You can connect it to a couple different things such as a solenoid for your RO filter or to a pump to add water from a reservoir. I have my float switch connected to an air pump which would pressurize a tank and force water through airline tubing to topoff the tank.


I've got a Kent marine float valve hooked up to my sump, from my my RO/DI. Works great so far, and it was only $30.00


Active Member
the only thing i dont like about float switches is that if something like a wire, or whatnot lands on the switch and holds it down, you're in trouble, unless its in a special area. my new auto top-off is a tsunami at1 (not sure of the brand) that senses the change in pressure from the water height. theres a little box that turns on a little ph in a 5-gallon bucket of ro water to pump into the tank.


I have one that you attach to a power head. The powerhead is wired into an extension cord and uses a float switch. I don't have the info with me now but it only cost about $40. I can send that to you in a couple of hours if you are interested. I have loved mine. My tank uses about a gallon of water a day. The reserve tank I use holds about 3 gals. But I guess you could use a larger one if needed. If you are not in too big a hurry I might be selling mine as I'm working on a 55 gal fuge. Let me know.


Active Member
NINJAMINI- i have the one in the second pic, its called a Automatic Nivumatic Auto top off system. It works great becuase the pump pumps slow, so if for some reason the float switch isnt working right it wont add a ton of water really quickly, so you'd probley notice it before it add a lot of water


Originally Posted by ninjamini
These are $100-110 from the drs. Anyone use these?

I use the ATO model. Works great...I have a 5 gallon top off tank near my refugium. I wish I had more space for a larger top off tank, but it does save on the stress of travel for extended periods. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
NINJAMINI- i have the one in the second pic, its called a Automatic Nivumatic Auto top off system. It works great becuase the pump pumps slow, so if for some reason the float switch isnt working right it wont add a ton of water really quickly, so you'd probley notice it before it add a lot of water
I am confused how this system moves the water from the bucket to the sump. How does it move the water. Does it use a pump or does the tube extend from that unit to the bucket and suck the water it self. I'd appreciate a description if you can help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
All you need is an electronic float switch. You can connect it to a couple different things such as a solenoid for your RO filter or to a pump to add water from a reservoir. I have my float switch connected to an air pump which would pressurize a tank and force water through airline tubing to topoff the tank.
I use the exact same setup and it works flawlessly.


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
All you need is an electronic float switch. You can connect it to a couple different things such as a solenoid for your RO filter or to a pump to add water from a reservoir. I have my float switch connected to an air pump which would pressurize a tank and force water through airline tubing to topoff the tank.
Hey Viper, i'd like to do the same setup. Can you be more specific on how the float switch connects to the air pump? Is it a matter of wiring the float switch into an on/off switch in the pump? Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I haven't seen them anyplace, and we are planning a trip in the near future and don't want to bother neighbors to come in everyday to do top offs.
If you are ghetto fabulous like me....I found some instructions on DIY auto top off if you want it....


Originally Posted by maelv
If you are ghetto fabulous like me....I found some instructions on DIY auto top off if you want it....
I'm ghetto all the way. Anything to save a buck. Please share.....i'll e-mail you.


New Member
I don't have an auto top off... YET!! I will be installing one with a major overhaul of my system this spring, and one of the features I will add is an alarm or circuit interupter that the pump is plugged into. The water alarms are quite common and inexpensive as are ways to interupt a circuit in case of a minor overflow!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
I am confused how this system moves the water from the bucket to the sump. How does it move the water. Does it use a pump or does the tube extend from that unit to the bucket and suck the water it self. I'd appreciate a description if you can help.
Its pretty simple. The box looking thing is the pump, and there are 2 tubes comeing off of it. One tube gets put the the water holding tank, and the other in the sump or wherever the water is gonna go to. there is also a little float vavle that hooks up to the pump. The pump has a little piece that spins around, which creates suction in the tube and brings the water from the holding tank to the display tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
Its pretty simple. The box looking thing is the pump, and there are 2 tubes comeing off of it. One tube gets put the the water holding tank, and the other in the sump or wherever the water is gonna go to. there is also a little float vavle that hooks up to the pump. The pump has a little piece that spins around, which creates suction in the tube and brings the water from the holding tank to the display tank
Thanx, sounds like the better way to go. You do like it?