Where can I find small coral sprouts

every detail

New Member
The LFS is good for this sometime, but I'm a year into the hobby now and I'd like to get some very small sprouts of coral to grow, I've had good luck so far with growing, I don't have the income to buy the 40-50 dollar decently sized coral, I'd like to start very small and grow them. The store will sell these tiny things for 5 bucks sometimes, but they rarely have them. Is there a place online where they sell them? Thanks in advance


Active Member
Talk to the guys in the fish stores. They usually do this or know someone who does. Its like that around here at least. There are peeps who do this in the forum as well but shipping will be factor.



Originally posted by EVERY DETAIL
The store will sell these tiny things for 5 bucks sometimes, but they rarely have them. Is there a place online where they sell them? Thanks in advance

First off Welcome to the board

Second very rarely will you find any websites selling a frag for only 5 dollars as they will grow it themselfs and then sell it for $50+.
Third we really don't post up competitor sites on this board, we like to keep it a SPAM free place to be, no advertizemts.
All that said, tell us about your 75 reef, we would love to hear about it and where you want to go with it.

every detail

New Member
Well thanks for asking...
or at least entertaining a noob :D
75 gallon reef tank
20 gallon long with overflow
Dual Rio 600's in 75 gallon
Rio 1200 pumping water back up to the 75
30+ bioballs in the overflow tank as well as overflow box
2x 250watt VHO
It's been up and running for about a year now
60 lbs of live rock (I need more)
2" of live sand
1 leather (not sure which kind)
A group of button polups
Some small purple mushrooms
1 Capnella
1 mushroom looking coral (not sure what kind)
55-100 reef package from saltwaterfish.com
-25 Scarlet reef Hermits
-20 Blueleg Hermits
-30 Turbo/Astrea Snails
-1 Sally Lightfoot
-1 Cucumber
-5 Peppermint Shrimp
-3 Brittle Stars
-4 Emerald Crabs
1 Scopus Tang
1 Yellow Tang
2 percula clowns
2 damsils
regarding coral, I'm looking for anything cheap just little frags I can try to grow, I'm willing to pay, just want something on a budget (I picked the wrong hobby) Please email me at kdoak@emuswim.com if you know of anybody who would sell me some small frags cheap.
As far as where I wanna go with the tank, hmm... I just love the stuff, just like everybody else, I want more coral, I have very little, but on a college budget it's not easy to afford, hense why I asked about the frags.... I'm broke :)
So as to not clutter up the boards with more dumb questions, where can I find a good FAQ regaruding a strictly seahorse tank or strictly anenome tank (I know very little)
Thanks in advance


New Member
Many local reef clubs enchange in "frag trading" where members trade small pieces of coral, etc. with each other.
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every detail

New Member

Originally posted by atf88
what kind of cucumber do u have?

whichever one comes with the reef package from this website
Where can i find more info on local clubs?


Active Member
The best thing I did, joined a reef club for $10 a year.
My tank filled up very quickly. Now I switched to SPS and it's full. Very cheaply I may add. Between trading, raffels and store discounts, I did really well.
You can prolly do a search for reef clubs, just be sure to add you home state in the search.