Where Did You Get...?


I want to build a Kalk drip using a jug and an IV tubing line. Just wondering where one would get an IV tube. I assume hospitals don't exactly stand in line waiting to give them away do they? Thanks.


Active Member
I was thniking the same thing. I'm going to try a medical supplies store. I just want to find a refillable IV bag and drip, like the nurse mentioned on one of the earlier posts.
You may be able to find them at a

, not the usual kind, the ones that sell wheel chairs, crutches, and other specialty type medical supplies.
One other suggestion is some air line tubing and a 1/4 inch valve to insert into it. Very cheap.


You might have a hard time finding an IV bag or IV tubing without a prescription or knowing someone on the inside. What will work just as well is a gravity flow feeding bag with a roller clamp. You should be able to get these without a script from a medical supply house. Also, you can buy enema buckets that have a roller clamp and tubing that hold 2 liters without a script. Hope this helps.:)

nm reef

Active Member
Golfish...you still peddle that dripper....:D
I saw that pic way over a year ago....it was the motivation for me to contact staff at the local hospital and get several IV bags....I now use 3 seperate 1 gal conatiners(reef builder/reef advantage/kalk). I just had to laugh....cause that pic was the source of my drip systems a longggggg time ago...and its still around!!!
Serious....there are numerous sources for lines and clamps exactly like the one shown....I just talked local staff from the intensive care units and emergency room units out of them. Plus it did help that my wife is office manager for a local radiologist!


that was my idea exactly, golfish, my LFS sells Kent one gallon containers of Iodine, Calcium, etc. and just puching a hole in it with a syphon tube attached to a drip valve would work perfectly.
*hint* PANTENT THAT IDEA! Yeah, you might find it to be funny, but ask the guy who invented the paper clip!


Hey guys I just happened to come across this kind of stuff at marine depot. It's only 11.50 for the iv dripper hose part. Not free but not that bad. HTH


just another thought.... most of you guys have other pets as well. Have a vet you go to? I just asked the vet when I had pooch in for a check up. Told him I need an IV setup for a fish tank... they just gave it to me, even after I offered to buy it.
(wait, yeah damn straight they should've gave it to me!... I think I am going to check and see if there is anyway I can declare the vet as a dependent on my tax return......lol)
haha lmao i remeber that pic and its still working.can u mail me one in a envelope pleas ei really need a dripper golfish im begging u i really dont want to buy a drip system can u also get me an enlarges iv bag to complement to drip