Where do betas come from?


Sorry it doesn't have to do with saltwater, but yesterday i was in my girlfriends room and she was staring at her beta. Then out of nowhere she asked me where it was from. I was completely stumped. There a freshwater fish, and don't like currents or large places so i could only think of lakes or ponds...... It actually made me laugh cuz i felt really dumb.

lady blaede

New Member
Wikipedia rocks! Here's what it says:
"Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens), commonly called a "betta," (IPA: ) is one of the most popular species of freshwater aquarium fish. It is native to the Mekong river basin in Southeast Asia and called pla-kad in its native Thailand."
I also remember hearing that they thrive in rice fields in Japan, hence the reason they can survive in brackish water conditions. Not sure if that's totally accurate, but anyway hope that helps!


Active Member
I've read that as well. They live in rice fields and shallow water areas - places that are usually really murky and nasty.


exactly right! They're actually gathered from puddles and rice paddies. Exactly why you can go for weeks or months without changing water or without having circulaion. My fiance spent a year in Japan and said that you see them all the time after good rains in puddles on the street. How crazy is that! Don't ask me how they get to those puddles though...hmmm

lady blaede

New Member
That is crazy! It makes me envision people walking along and trying to dodge puddles so they don't step on fish!!!!!!!


originally found in the Mekong basin in Asia. any that you have seen were captive bred.


New Member
some girl at a fish store in Columbus, OH said that she finds them in puddles around ohio all the time.... i laughed at her :D