Where do I go from here??


My tank has been up and running since June. I added my clean up crew two weeks ago even thou I haven't seen my peppermint shrimps for the past week. It's a 723 gallon bow front and I'm still trying to get my sump and refuge up and running.
My question is I haven't done much since adding my clean up crew and wanted to know what my next step should be.
Wait!?! Is it a 72 gal? Or a 723 gal?:confused: But you can probably add some fish. I recommend a pair of False Percula Clowns. Just to start it off.


nice to see someone else from the same area.
what restraunt do you work at.
did you go to keiser


How much live rock or lice sand do you have?
If you plan on adding fish, read up on the fish you like before you buy them.
Make sure is compatible with one another.
Start thinking if you would like a passive setup, semi aggressive or aggressive setup.
Choose the fish you like to put in there and find compatible ones from that point on.
If you decide to have reef setup, make sure you find fish that are reef compatible.
Pretty fish not neccesarily hardy fish or vise versa.
hope this helps a little
good luck


Sorry for the mistake on the tank size. I have around 85 pounds of lr and and 150 pounds of ls for a 4 inch dsb.
I wanted to possibly do a reef tank in the far far future so I definately wanted to get the fish that would be compatible.
The clown fish were my first choices. I wanted to do another test of my water parameters before I started adding fish. I don't have my quartine tank setup yet so I guess I should start getting that together.
Can I just use the same type of filter box (the one with the charcoal substance and white foam) like I do on my fw tank?


Sounds like you got a handle on things already. bio wheel filter would be a great choice. Do you have a skimmer?
Make sure you read up on different species of clown. Clarkii's, cinammon clown and few others are semi aggressive and are territorial, unless mated pair. So make sure you know what kind of clown you want to put in there.