Where do i go


Where do i go to get lighting for a 75 gallon aquarium it is 48 inch long im looking to support anemonies and corals,i need somewhere that is resonable in price and quality and somewhere that will give me an option for oak cover.any help will be great i just wasted over 100$ on a light today just to find out it was not enough wattage.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Where do you live? There is probably someone on the board that lives near you and can tell you some places to check out. There are also several site on the web that sell lighting.
The choice in lighting also depends of what you really want to keep. What kinds of corals were you thinking of keeping? You have Power Compact and VHO flourescents, and Metal Halide lights to choose from. Many people have combinations of them. Give us a little more info on your setup and plans for the tank, and people will be able to help you better.


OK here goes, i would like to keep feather dusters and pink tip anemonies,and soft corals the more harty variety.i have around 75# of live rock now. the reason i say more harty is my wife will have to tend to my hobbie while im gone (military)
i live in northeast tennessee i was thinking more along the lines of ordering online, but i have already been to pet solutions and petsmart with no luck well pet solutions had a 260w setup for 269.00 out of my price range i hope this will help thank you.