WHere do i put it?


I have a mag 7 doin 700 gph and another pump doin 400 in the tank then and then i have a magv5 doin 500 in my sumop but its only doin like 3?? after the head. right now i just have the two pumps in the tank on the same side of the tank one close to the bottom one bout half way down blowin water in the same dirrection, one in front of my lr one oin back is this ok? anysuggestions?


Active Member
After trying to read your question, it certainly does look like you went through the Philly school system. If you want us to help you, then you are going to have to make sure that we can read and understand your question. I've noticed that with a lot of posts on here. Does anyone bother to read their posts before they admit them?


New Member
HIya Boom.
What size tank do you have? That would help a lot in determining how much water flow you need and direction of it. Am I correct in the assumption you have a mag 5 and mag 7 IN your DISPLAY tank and the mag 3 returning water FROM your SUMP?


wow glad i read that before i posted it...... I have one mag7(700 gph) and another type of pump(dont remeber the name) that does 400 gph in my display tank. one is towards the front of the taank and the other towards the back so that i have water moving in front and behind my lr only about 60lbs. they are both blowing in the same diection. then i have a mag5(500 gph) in my wet/dry for my return, that blows at the top of the tank towards the other two. is this ok? is there a better setup?


Active Member
By your estimations, you have 1400 GPh flow. If you have a 70 gallon tank, your flow would be perfect for a reef tank. You don't say what size your tank is, so we can't tell you if your flow is good or not. Pump placement depends a lot on your set up. Not everyone has their liverock positioned the same way. As long as you dont have any debris laying in any one area, then your circulation is good. When you feed your fish, watch the food to make sure it constantly moves until it is eaten. If it tends to stay in a certain area, try to get more water movement in that area.


Duh.. i forgot to twice to say that i have a 75 gallon tank. But the thing is i dont plan on makeing my tank reef until like next year. I really would like to have a lion an ell and like another small tang or a few small fish like clowns.