Where do I start?


I've had my tank up and running about 6 mos. I have some xenia that is growing VERY well...I've also had some green star polyps for a couple months and now their health seems to be not so good as before. I'm thinking the problem may be I'm not dosing anything in my reef yet?
I do use oceanic salt...just wondering what test kits to get next...and what is the best thing to start dosing at this point? I have shrooms, gsp, xenia, bunch of snails, like 100. lawnmower blenny, firefish, clownfish, yellow tang, couple of chromis. 75lbs LR and 50lbs LS.


what are your water parameters? are the gsp closed but the mat is still purple?


Active Member
The things you want to test for are:
ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, calcium, alkalinity, salinity and Ph.
A good rule of thumb is never dose anything until you know what is needed.
Test first, then adjust.
If you don't have those test kits, then you should consider getting them.
When you have a problem going on in the tank try to provide numbers to the above with a description of your problem and chances are someone will be able to give you some guidance.
Good Luck!


Ok, I'll explain a lil more: I already test for all of those things except calcium. I was about to buy a calcium test today but couldn't due to an issue with the LFS but I'm going to in the morning. They told me at the LFS that not only should I get the calcium test & additive but some Kent "phyto" somethin stuff that's super concentrated (1-2 drops/day) and helps the corals eat. I was just wondering about anything else that's a must in a reef...iodine, strontium, any specific products anyone would recommend?


My params are everything's 0 except trates at about 20-30...I'm getting a fuge setup in the next week or two...already ordered it, hopefully that will combat this nitrate problem.


Also...the gsp aren't closed...they just don't seem to be as widespread on the rock as they were before...


can someone please help me out, I hate to just trust the store. I'm planning on headin up there in a few minutes.


Active Member
Just get the calcium test kit. It is very important to know Calcium, alkalinity, pH, etc. You don't need to buy anything else right now. There are no additives, IMO, that are a "must" for a reef. Regular water changes are usually sufficient. Iodine might be favored by some, but I would not add much unless you test for it. But believe me many people have huge suggess without a drop of "additives."
How often do you do water changes?


I do 10-12 gals change every two weeks. Im getting a hang on back fuge setup in the next few days and after that I think I'm going to start doing maybe 5 or 6 gals every week and try that for a while. I've heard this can be better for the tank. I tested for calcium for the first time and it seemed I had more than 450...more like 700. Is it possible to have too much calcium. I have some kent reef essentials...and their phyto max stuff for filter feeding inverts. I also have liquid calcium, which I've never used.