Where do you buy a red lens?



I went into Walmart to look for a red lens to put over my flashlight and couldn't find one nor did the people there knew where they were.


Active Member
Are you going to use it to peek into the tank at night? If so buy red saran wrap and cover the lens of the flashlight with this. You may need to use more than one thickness if the flashlight is really bright. I did this and it works great, and cheap!!!
You'll be amazed at what happens in the tank at night. This is the only way that I can ever see my purple reef lobster!


Army Navy Store or any military surplus. Wal- Mart does have some smaller lights with interchangeable lenses.


Active Member
i use red tissue paper. i havent found any red lens unfortunately :( not even in walmart, and i have no clue where an army surplus store would be


Originally Posted by renogaw
i use red tissue paper. i havent found any red lens unfortunately :( not even in walmart, and i have no clue where an army surplus store would be
I have red tissue paper!!!! Thanks!
Hey how is that tile of zoos doing?


Active Member
Just get a permanent red marker and color the inside of the lens, thats what I do. I color the inside because it keeps the red from being scratched off.