Where do YOU put your test water??


As I was doing water tests yesterday, my girlfriend was reading the package of one of the kits and it says that they should be treated like hazardous waste and should not be released into the environment. I suddenly feel bad, since I just dump mine down the drain (this is probably not the best idea at all). I was just wondering what other people do with their water after they have tested it, or what you SHOULD do.


Active Member
Down the drain with running water.....IMO such small quantities won't hurt anything. :D


On a related issue....
Has anyone heard of or had any problems with dumping their water change water down the drain into a septic system?
I go to thinking one night and was wondering if the saltwater would hurt my septic system.


Active Member
"The size of the tank will vary depending upon local codes, but a typical tank for a family of four would have a liquid capacity of 1,500 gallons"
I don't think a few gallons of saltwater would be enough to hurt the septic tank bacteria. If you know where the leach field is, you can check if the grass is being affected by exess salt, or thiving as leach field grass tends to be. But again, unless you have a huge tank and do big water changes, it's not going to make a big diffrence in a 1000 gallon reserve.