Where does the powerhead go?


New Member
I just added my ls and rubble lr pieces to my 29 gal tank.

I bought the Koralia Nano Powherhead also. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around a device where you submerse the whole thing (including the power cord) in the water. Is this correct? I know it's a major dumb question and it seems like straight common sense. I just don't want to get electrocuted..

Also any suggestions where to put the powerhead for the best circualation would be helpful.


Active Member
When you submerse it, make sure to turn it upside down once before plugging it in, to ensure no air bubbles are in the devise.
It is a weird concept, all your life you are taught never to put a cord in water, then you find the exceptions :)
Place the power heads in locations that cause random flow, ensuring that and food is continually in the water column. I tested mine by putting small amounts of flake food in the water until i got the "flow" where i wanted it.

scopus tang

Active Member
Make sure that you are also causing agitation, but not air bubbles at the surface of your tank, otherwise you will get a build up of nasty green scum on the surface.


I Just put a powerhead in my 30 gallon a couple days ago. I placed it in the back left hand corner and angled it toward the middle. It also does a good job of interupting the flow of the air bubbles from my HOB filter.