Where Is He?


Or she? I recently got 2 firefish, and I have not seen one of them since I got them yesterday. It hid in the rock, and there has been no sign of him. I fed them just now and still no sign of the other one... only one has come out to swim and eat... Should I be worried?:nervous:
ps. I have a closed top, and I did check all around the tank to make sure he didn't jump. :jumping: All I have besides the firefish are snails, hermits, 2 clowns and 2 shrimp.


My cousin has a purple firefish, and if you did not know that you would have no clue it was in the tank. All he does is hide, even during feeding time. Hopefully yours is different, and is just a little stressed.


Active Member
yeah, i killed one once, long story. i caught my clown feeding my new additions to her anemone, so in my attempt to save one from her i was moving live rock around and i squashed him. he'd been in there for about a month and i hadn't seen him at all from the time i put him in there till the time i mushed him with a rock. poor guy


That sucks! Sorry to hear that!
Well, I finally saw the other one- after a few days. But he never comes out during feeding time. Hopefully he is getting food somehow!
At least I know he is alive! Thanks for the replies- now that I know it is normal for them to hide for long periods of time- I won't be so worried! And I will be careful about moving rocks!