Where to buy good, LiveRock online?


Im ready to purchase Live Rock. My LFS has some Figi for $9.99lb I think that is a crazy price. I have checked ebaybay ( am i not to use this website name? ) oops....and everything looks more like dead base rock ( listed as cured live rock ). Any help with a good site will help me alot. So far i hve purchased some SeaSalt and other things from Dr. Fosters. But they want $70.00 for shipping 50lbs.
Thanks, Trisha


Active Member

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You are not allowed to list competitors sites. Check the rock on here. Have heard lots of good reports and price is good.


Dont want to violate anyrules here, but will tell you that you can purchase live rock direct from the harvester and have it shipped to you via airmail. The drawback is you have to order large amounts and it is pricey. 9.99 is not a bad price, but what you have is cured live rock. It has been cleaned, which unfortunately loses a ton of your initial inhabitants. How large is your tank? will you be using the live rock to cycle it? If so, then I would suggest purchasing direct from the harvester-ads in the back of fish magazine or on line searches. Mine was harvested and shipped from Florida in two huge boxes, arrived wet at the airport and i had to pick it up immediately. It was wonderful-full of all kinds of little critters, not all which are
beneficial to your tank. If you already have fish in an established tank, you can only add small amounts of uncured live rock at a time or buy cured live rock in larger quantities, but it will be unlikely to be populated with much of anything.