Where to drill


New Member
Im wondering where would the best place be to drill a 125 gal tank.
Im having it built for me.
Where should I tell the guy to drill the bottom?
Close to the corners or 1/4 of the tank in from the corner?
What size should I have him make the holes?
Should I have him drill extra holes for return?
Or should I just let the return come in over the edge of the tank?


Active Member
what are the plans for this tank, FO, Coral? What kind of corals if any are you going to keep. How big is the sump going to be? How many overflows are you going to have? Are you going to run a closed loop?


New Member
I was planing on having a few anemones a collection of shrimps and a few fish.
Was planing on two overflows.
Im not sure about the closed loop yet ( not sure how to build one yet).