Where to get a 220 Gal. In MN



Anyone know offhand where I can get a new 220 Gallon Aquarium in MN?
How much do they usually go for... bare boned or with stand and top.
Thanks in advance!

lions n nd

i live in North Dakota I ordered one at my local pet shop
210 all glass
all glass cover
for $640.00
with tax and delivery to the store
they came out of Minneapolis, MN


Try calling Aqualand in St. Louis Park, I was in there a couple of months ago and they had a 220 and several 180s. I don't recall exactly what they were charging, but I don't recall thinking it was outragious. Also I got something from someone else for Dearborn Mi, if you feel like a drive.
If you feel like driving to Dearborn, MI Jan's Tropical Fish is by far the cheapest. It's about an hour and fifteen minutes north of Toledo. My 180 gal was only $330 there. My 55 gallon sump was only 55 dollars. Talk to Leroy. Call them first and ask them prices, dimensions, etc. they have all kinds of tanks there.
Hope this helps you out, make sure to post pictures of whatever you end up buying.


i know a fish store, well actually its an aquarium service that my friend works at. I know they can get you a 220 gallon tank if you want it. they have all kinds they service and whatnot. if you havent found one yet, email me at ( and ill give you their website. you can contact them from there and see if they will get you one. their company is in richfield,mn. hope this helps you get your tank.
email- cutegoochy@hotmail.com