Where to locate the QTank for viewing?


Thanks for posting all the info on the QT/HT this is perfect for beginners,a great reminder for vets and especially the ones it is just plain hard to convence. We hear a lot of things. Question: I think everyone is anxious to have their new fish in the main tank to look at and not poked away in a corner out of sight for 3wks (The wife, the kids, etc. me too).
So: Is it ok to have the QT say in the rec room to pass by and look, ceiling lights off and on anytime and the general buzzing of people OR - Is it best to keep the tank to itself and not disturbed in this manor?? My setup is like a wall hung picture with frame to the rec room no tank exposed. All my maint. and entire setup is actually from utility room on other side of wall. My QT is there as well. If the QT can be exposed in rec room everyone will still feel like we just went out and bought the fish instead of not really getting one. My first thought is leave it in the utility room out of harm way? ? ? ? Thanks again for taking the time to post the QT article - This question must seem endless to Veterans.


Active Member
I would think that you could place it anywhere in a heated room away from a window with direct sun as long as people and kids were instructed not to make sudden movements or poke at the glass to scare the fish. You should have some hiding spots in the tank for the fish to retreat to so that they feel secure and not stressed. Some people like to paint or cover three sides with some solid calming color to help the fish feel secure especially in a small tank. Good luck, Lesley


Staff member
You can place it in any location with all of the sound considerations you might make for any tank.