Where to place RODI booster pump



I've searched everywhere but cannot get a good affirmative answer.
One answer says install after the sediment filter and carbon filter, and just before the RO membrane.
Another says dont do that because a pressure spike could damage the RO membrane.
Another says just put it before everything, and of course someone replies "dont do that the pressure will damage your sed/carbon filter".....obviously thats wrong because someone who doesnt need a booster pump has the higher pressure running through those two filters.
AND another answer says put it after the sediment filter, but before the carbon filter that will keep crap out of the pump, and the carbon filter will give the any pressure spike a chance to equalize before it gets to the ro membrane?
It seems that no one really knows what they are talking about and there are too many conflicting ideas. /end rant
opinions please.


Active Member
I run a booster pump and have been running a booster pump since about 2004, and I followed the advice install info from BRS and have had no issues with my booster pump or filters.....I will have to take a close look as to the plumbing layout, but I'm almost positive I have it plumbed after my sediment filter.....