where to put LR?


I was just wondering if there's a better place to put the live rock in your tank? I've had all of mine stacked up in the middle of my tank all the way across the tank. I guess I did that so that I could get to all the glass around my tank to clean it. I'm kind of OCD!!! Anyways - is it better to put it up against the back of the tank on the glass? It's kind of hard to stack out in the middle - just wondering. :confused:


Active Member
if you do not mind alge on ur back wall. i would put it against it but i would also leave enough room to clean the glass in the front and the sides.


I'd agree with Duck. Having the back with some algae on it will be ok, and if you have an algae eating fish, plus your crabs and snails will enjoy the treats.
When we convert our 55gallon, I'm going to make sure I keep enough room on the front and sides to get in an clean the glass. The back will be painted a dark color so it won't really matter as far as the algae.


Active Member
The best thing to do is arrange the rock how you like it, just keep playing with it until you get a structure that you really like
my tank has two mounds of rocks with plenty of openings, and they're leaning against the glass


how about the debris from food, etc that gets behind there? How do you clean that up without disturbing everything?


Originally Posted by NE
how about the debris from food, etc that gets behind there? How do you clean that up without disturbing everything?
I wouldn't worry to much about that. Once you get your critters in there, snails, crabs, shrimp, etc...they'll help take care of debri, especially in hard to reach places for human hands.


with me I tried to get my lr all the way to the bottom because my engineer goby tunnels all the way across my tank under every single rock - still does somehow even though I thought I got my rock all the way to the bottom - he's crazy!