where'd he go?


ok my step daughter came over for the evening to my horror, and dropped him into the tank to acclamate him being her "pet sea bay" aarg I did not want anemonies now it's come here to live. ok well with that piece of whining over now for the weird to us part he floated along stung a mushroom a few times then went and hid behind the rocks? why did he do that? will he come back? we are just wondering. oh and if you could give us as much as we need to know about this thing it would be overwelmingly appreciated. thanks


I would suggest having MH lighting as this will be most likely a bottom dweller with its foot in the sand and problably close to some rockwork. For a 2 foot deep tank like that you will really need the MH lighting to reach the bottom of the tank.
Feed once or twice a week if you like.
Good flow.
Sand substrate


thanks! got all of that. but why is he hidden behind the rock?
will check 4 reply after work
gonna be late
thanks thomas


Could be many reasons including what ever the anemone thinks itself.
New to the tank so taking its time to acclimate, about two weeks.
It may have come from lesser lighting than what you have so your photo period and intenseness may be a bit to much for it right now.
It may be looking for a proper water flow area.
It could be hiding from an aggressive clown.
It could be looking for something resembling its natrual habitat.
In the end who knows.


thomas he litterally "floated through the front of the tank and then dtraight behind the rock can he get himself out? and how do I feed him if I can't even get to him? it took him 15 seconds to end up back ther I mean that litterally. thanks alot for your help. do they ever get "stuck?"


He should be able to get himself out.
Then again you don't want him planting his foot where you will never see him.
If you must go in after him then proceed with caution.
You can try squirting some mysis shrimp in behind the rock to get him some food but I'd wait the week to see if he comes out looking.
If you are that worried, then you should go after him and set him in the open on the substrate.
Then if he gets himself cloistered like a monk again, then there is probably a reason he is doing it.


thanks one last question how do I move him? can I use a net or gloves I've learned that I have a bad reaction to the corals while diveing so I dont want to chance it but I don't want to hurt it either.thanks!


Then find youself a set of gloves, perhaps you could explain it to the local Vet and they might be able to give you a set of shoulder length latex gloves, or as a nurse you can find something like that at work.
As a diver can't you get a set of neoprene gloves?


Active Member
My biology teacher has a 55g tank with an anemone in it. He always hides behind rocks, sometimes for days. He recently latched himself to the top of the hermit crab's shell, too. I wouldn't worry about your anemone just yet. =)


my ex took all of my gear can I just use long surgical gloves they vare thin but strong. I will give him the week than move him thanks guys! :) now I feel a little less worried about him.


Active Member
Methinks those gloves will work well. You may not even have a reaction, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Good luck with your new anemone! =)