Where's My Fish?


I've had my 55 gallon tank set up for one month. I have 4 damsels (three striped, domino, yellowtail blue, and blue) to cycle it along with live sand and 60 pounds of live rock. The three stripe has been missing since yesterday. He did not come out for feeding and I am thinking he may be dead. I've looked with a flashlight inside the live rock and he's nowhere to be found. There are two hermits in the tank as well. Could they have eaten him if he died? There has been no ammonia spike but if he's not dead, where could he be? And if he is dead, why? The temperature did rise to 82 but that wouldn't kill him would it? I think the cycle is nearing an end and I would like to add "good" fish but not until I know why he died (if he really did). Thanks for any light you may shed.


first off with cycling how are your parameters? ammonia and nitrites are both toxic to fish have you tested nitrites? the hermits may have eaten him if he died they are a crab and all crabs are oportunist. also anything else in the tank may have muched on him worms, pods, other critters. also the bacteria would be working to break him down. with this combo chances are you wont have a amm spike. the water at that temp shouldnt have killed him.


Well I agree, most likely your one of your fish didn't survive the cycle. Or he could possibly jumped out of the tank, check the back.
Anyway, the cycle might be nearing the end, however I advise you to wait to add another fish, especially with one possible fish death. Please wait, do not rush. I know that's like impossible to do. you have three fishes already in your tank, and I'm pretty sure they won't be very friendly to any newcomer. You don't want to put, let's say a dwarf angel in there, and die because being bullied by your other three other fishes now, do you?
Fishes that go through cycle tend to be more aggressive than they already are. Most likely because, they have established their territory and feel so strong surviving the cycle :D .
I just want you to wait. Wait a couple of weeks, let your tank mature a bit more.
Are you planning to keep those damsels? If not then try to return them.


I will check behind the tank though I doubt he jumped out. As far as parameters go:
I do not plan to keep the damsels. I will trade them in for other fish but not until I know why this fish died. Thank you for your help.


My domino disappeared for a few hours and I thought he was dead too. Now I noticed that he looks a little sick. He has brownish spots on him (like he's dirty or something). He's also breathing rapidly. The other two fish are fine but the 3-stripe has still not shown up. The water parameters are listed above. I tested the ammonia again today and it is still .4. I don't know what could be wrong.


New Member
I have heard stories of fish disappearing like this - It may be a mantis shrimp.
Go to <a href="http://saltaquarium.about.com/" target="_blank">http://saltaquarium.about.com/</a>
they have a great article on mantis shrimp
Good luck


The thought did cross my mind. I did get one in a shipment of live rock but fortunately it was at the bottom of the bag. I found him in the bag after all of the rock was in the tank and now he's living in a separate tank. What are the chances of getting 2 mantises (mantisi?) in the same shipment? I haven't heard any in this tank; usually a clicking can be heard from the shrimp pounding its claws. I will shine a red light in the tank later tonight and see if I see any large fish-eating monsters.