where's my horseshoe crab?


New Member
A few weeks ago we bought a horseshoe crab, and I absolutely loved it. The only thing is that once we put it in the tank it burrowed into the sand and we havent seen it since. We havent even noticed any sand movement. Is this normal? What if it dies, how will we know? We really dont want to have to take all the liverock out of the tank so we can find it. Not sure if we should just leave well enough alone.


I have one too. You will hardly ever see him. But keep your eyes open because he will eventually surface.


i had some of them in my 90 and once they were in the tank for 6 months or so it would come up ever night when the lights went off. They just take some time.


Active Member
Horshoe crabs are best left in the ocean. They grow to big and get sucked into powerheads easily. They need big tanks.


It's a good thing that you don't see it. That just means that he is doing his thing! Mine would surface occasionally, but when he died
he was above the sand. Still don't know what did the little sucker in!


New Member
After I posted the original thread this morning, and came home from some errands we saw him moving around in the sand!:D We watched him for a long time, but now he went back to whereever he likes to go and we havent seen him for a bit.