where's the fish?

Hey guys, I got a baby bursa trigger last weekend. Everything's been good so far except he hasn't been seen for two full days. I got a little worried knowing the little guy has to be hungry, so I thought he got himself trapped somewhere. Last night I moved roughly 90% of my LR trying to find the little guy to no avail. My last option would be he somehow got into my conch shell (It's about the size of a football). But one of my damsels always manages to go in nd out of it. WTF? Any suggestions?
he is probably in a small hole in the live rock or in the shell. the same thing happened to me. i looked all over tha tank and i found him stuck in a small hole in the lr. i had to take the rock out of the tank and placed the rock in a container full of water and used a hose to blow him out.