Wheres the life?


Ok everyone I am asking a question im sure has been answered 1000 times but here it goes.
How long before you start seeing hitchhikers or some sort of life with your new rock?


Active Member
aye, its all buried deep down into the rock, they'll eventually start showing up, its just gonna take time, just be patient, it wont show up over night :p
ive had my rock for about 2 months now and it took about 4 weeks to see any bristle worms and just now after about 2 months i found like 2 tiny feather dusters
patience is a virtue
I dont think it takes that long. I saw hitchikers the first day I put my lr in... i bet if you woke up in the middle of the night and look at your tank Im sure you'll see some sort of life. It only takes a couple of weeks for the ampipods and copepods to breed before you start seeing them on the dt glass...


yea I guess it does.
. I'm not entirely sure where my rock came from. Fiji, I think
lol. But anyways, a chiton came out of my rock the next day. So how long have you had your rock?


i have found several small starfish, 3clams and lots of bristle worms. also a nudibranch but i have not seen him in a long time. i also have this growing on my rock but i dont know what it is. its really small so hard to get a good pic. there are two of these trying to grow on the same rock. anybody know what this is? look right in the center of pic, it is red and kinda star shaped.


here is another pic - some kind of zoo or sponge? it has been there a long time trying to grow but until recently i had a bad algae problem that was keeping it covered.