Originally Posted by
Hosting is a hit and miss thing. A lot of people purchase anemones and clowns just to have the clowns totally avoid any type of anemone. Other people add the clown to the tank and within minutes they are hosting the anemone.
Please ensure that you have the proper environment before purchasing an anemone. Also realize that clowns are perfectly happy AND healthy without having to host an anemone.
With that said i'm assuming you have NO anemone experience, so I would suggest a Bubble Tip Anemone in your case. Although different clowns tend to host different types of anemones, a BTA will be one of the more hardy anemones you purchase, and have a decent success rate when having a clown host it.
Please do some research on anemone keeping and read the sticky at the top of this forum that describes anemones and the common issues invovled with each.
Thank you for telling me. You have been a big help.