Which Anemones will clowns interact with?

every detail

New Member
I'm a beginner so go easy on me...I tried searching and couldn't find what I was looking for.
First a few details:
75 gallon reef tank
cycled for 1 month only sand
cycled for 2 months with only live rock
20 gallon long with overflow
Dual Rio 600's in 75 gallon
Rio 1200 pumping water back up to the 75
30+ bioballs in the overflow tank as well as overflow box
2x 250watt VHO
It's been up and running for 8 months now
60 lbs of live rock
2" of live sand
1 long tenticle purple tip anemone
1 leather (not sure which kind)
1 mushroom looking coral (not sure what kind)
1 small anemone (not sure what kind)
55-100 reef package from saltwaterfish.com

-25 Scarlet reef Hermits
-20 Blueleg Hermits
-30 Turbo/Astrea Snails
-1 Sally Lightfoot
-1 Cucumber
-5 Peppermint Shrimp
-3 Brittle Stars
-4 Emerald Crabs
1 Scopus Tang
2 percula clowns
2 damsils
I'm looking for a few options with Anemones, I have two percula clowns that look like they need a home. Like an idiot I bought the wrong anemone I suppose, looks to be a purple tip one. The clowns won't go anywhere near it. Which Anemones will work well with clowns? Pictures or links would be even better. And if you use the reef lingo, please spell it out for me so I'm not totally lost! :) Thanks in advance... or if there is a post already on this topic, a link would be great
Thanks, --Kevin


Active Member
i beleive percs, like to stay in carpet and sebae anemones. I had a condy and i thought any old anmone would do just fine. I should have done my research. HTH


Active Member
actually, the better for a carpet(which I do not reccomend, or any anemone esp for beginners) is the domino damsel. They seem to love carpets. JMHEO


Active Member
yeah i forgot to add that the anemone is a very hard animal to take care of. Not many survive long term in a home hobbyist aquarium.


Active Member
I have a curlique that i've had for 2 months and a condi that ive had for 3 months.both are doing fine. they get hand fed a piece of shrimp about every 3rd day.