I am deciding between a Coral Beauty and a Flame Angel for my 55 Gallon tank. I want a very peaceful fish to get along well with my tanks other inhabitants, which include 1 percula clown, 2 green chromis, 1 royal grama, 1 Regal Tang (Hypo), 3 peppermint shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp and 1 anemone.
From what I have read, both seem to fit the bill. The Coral Beauty seems to be about half the price in the stores. Also what about the Lemon peel? I have never owned an Angel before, so I want to make sure I pick a hardy one. My water quality is perfect though.
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
From what I have read, both seem to fit the bill. The Coral Beauty seems to be about half the price in the stores. Also what about the Lemon peel? I have never owned an Angel before, so I want to make sure I pick a hardy one. My water quality is perfect though.
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.