Which Angel

mr. limpid

Active Member
I need help deciding on my last fish, a Koran or Emperor angle. I like them both need to hear some comments for or against.
I have 135gal. with live rocks plenty of crevice and two large caves. Tank has been up and running for 5 years.
Tank mates are (2) percula clowns(mated); Falcula, Latticed, Pakistan butterflies; Chevron, Hippo, Powder Blue tangs.

mr. limpid

Active Member
that is why I'm on line. i figured others would be doing the same. To late for lunch 3:00 central time 1hr left till out of here.


Active Member
i would think either one would be good.just need to get some angel food with sponge in it.also adding vitamins to their food helps with their color.i would get a juvenile so i could watch them change.
dont get one bigger than 4 inches they grow pretty fast and like to swim.i had an emperor for years in my 150.


Active Member
The Koran and Emp are in the same genus, and as such, are pretty similar angels. Similar growth rates, dietary needs, behavior, etc. I would give an ever so slight nod to the Koran being a hardier fish. All angels are disease-prone, large angels esp. to flukes, so I really recommend monitoring them in a QT first. The Koran is usually a way cheaper fish then the Emperor, however, many just don't find the adult Koran coloration too attractive. Be sure you know what an adult Koran looks like, they don't stay that black w/blue & white stripes for long.
As stated above, definitely get a juvenile. I'm sure you're aware your tank is on the smaller side for these fish, esp. longterm. I am of the opinion that there is a stark difference to a 6" Emp that was raised from a 3" in an aquarium, then adding a wild-caught 6" Emp. The smaller fish will adjust better to captivity.
If you want a more "appropriate" large angel, over the long-term for your tank, really take a look at the Majestic angel.


Active Member
if i had the tank for it i would get a scribbled they are just incredible looking.pics dont do them justice.actually he would be the happiest fish in the world if i put him in my 250 reef.for a while anyway.


I'm just going to throw this out there:
To me, your tank is already stocked and really isn't suited for another larger fish.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Thanks everyone for your responses. And BTLDreef I was also thinking that It would be my excuse to get a larger tank. LOL

noah's nemo

The title did throw me off...LOL
Personally i like the Koran better too,and i really don't hear too many people talk about them...most go right for the emp,which to me makes them more common.....i love the thin blue outline they get and the long flowing dorsal fin...I got mine a little over a year ago and he was tiny...2 inches maybe,hes at least doubled in size and his mid-section colors are just starting to fade and his pattern has changed ....


LOL on the bigger tank.
As for the Koran, I agree, it's a nicer and more overlooked fish. The Emperor is boring to me for the same reason, it's common.