Which clown is this?

I wanted to see which one this is because I got it with my tank. I wasn't sure if it was a True Perc or is it a Onyx? I bought a little true perc for her a month ago and she accepted it right away and even let him in her home. The little fellow died after about a month
. I bought a tank raised true perc from here and it looks like a false and she just kept going after it across the tank so I had to take the little guy out. I would really like to get her a mate but which one?
Thats what I thought but I never see a True Perc that is this bright orange and black. I also thought the onyx had more black in them.


That appears to be an onyx clown, I could be wrong, there is a pair of onyx clowns for sale in the trading section right now. And they look like that one.
Thats how this all came about because I seen that pic but I'm not sure they are onyx. When I have seen the onyx clowns they have more black.


Active Member
Yours is a regular true perc, not an onyx. The ones that you saw for sale look like that because they're still juveniles and will develope the black between their second and third stripe as they mature.
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Yours is a regular true perc, not an onyx. The ones that you saw for sale look like that because they're still juveniles and will develope the black between their second and third stripe as they mature.

Thats what I thought. Now the question is this a aquacultured Perc or where did it come from? The tank raised perc I bought from here doesn't have any black on it and this one won't accept it.


Active Member
There's no way to tell just by looking at it. You'd have to be able to trace it by asking whoever you got it from at the time of purchase. Typically if it wasn't marked as tank raised or captive bred then it was wild caught.
I wasn't sure if you could tell by the colors or not. I know most of them that I see are a dull orange with brownish black markings. I know some species you can tell by the colors better that others. I would have been alright if my other clown didn't get sick. Oh well. Thanks for the input
Originally Posted by gil5280
what is that behind the clown? Is that wat its hosting? And wat is it
Thats my large green carpet anemone that will soon be gone. She loves that thing, she nibbles on the tips and acts like its a big sleeping bag. I have her spoiled for the time being because I also have a magnifica anemone in the same tank so she switches on and off with the both of them
I think the carpet is getting jealous of the new magnifica as you can see.
