Which clowns get along?


Active Member
Pretty much none of them. Clowns are very territorial and will be aggressive towards any other clowns of different species. Even if you have more than a pair of a species, they will be aggressive to others of the same species. Clowns are fromt he damsel family and thus are the more aggressive fish. Generally peaceful to all other tankmates, but not to other clowns.
So, unless you have a very big tank (150gal MINIMUM), stick with one species.
yea, there will be some who post saying that they have kept several different clowns for a year or so with no problems. They are either very lucky, or the clowns are still not matured. When they mature is when problems arise. Can take up to two years in some species.


New Member
I have a maroon clown and a pair of false perculas both I have had in the same tank for over three years they have always kept their distance and never bothered one another. However two weeks ago the anemone that the maroon lived in moved to the area where my perculas called home so the maroon followed big mistake on his part the perculas ganged up and pretty much picked at him until he literally had NO fins left and could not swim anymore. So we had to give him a double flush ceremony. Aparently everyone who has been telling me for the last 3 years was right it just took one unfortunate vacation and that was it for the maroon.


Active Member
I wish everyone would read here before trying mutliple clowns in a single tank. I really hate reading about something that could have been avoided.
Clowns of all types can get along with any other species, BUT will not get along with other clowns unless they are a pair. NO execptions, so if you think you are the "one exception" you are NOT. Take your fish back to the LFS or get a 2nd tank.
Thats a big NO on mixing clowns, only mated pairs will not kill each other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
I wish everyone would read here before trying mutliple clowns in a single tank. I really hate reading about something that could have been avoided.
Clowns of all types can get along with any other species, BUT will not get along with other clowns unless they are a pair. NO execptions, so if you think you are the "one exception" you are NOT. Take your fish back to the LFS or get a 2nd tank.
Thats a big NO on mixing clowns, only mated pairs will not kill each other.
amen to that!!!
I do have to add that I have had of a percula and an ocellarius being paired up without problem. Was very early on and I didn't know the difference between the two. They are so similiar in appearance that they probably thought the other one was the same as it was. Only lasted about a year as the ocellarius commited fishy suicide (before I used eggcrate) so I don't know how it would have turned out long term.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheGrog
amen to that!!!
I do have to add that I have had of a percula and an ocellarius being paired up without problem. Was very early on and I didn't know the difference between the two. They are so similiar in appearance that they probably thought the other one was the same as it was. Only lasted about a year as the ocellarius commited fishy suicide (before I used eggcrate) so I don't know how it would have turned out long term.
Aww, too bad for the little jumper. Was it the female or the male who jumped? I've seen a pair like the one you had and also a goldstripe + whitestripe maroon pair. I really doubt you could have a percula + maroon or ocellarius + maroon pair but that sure would be interesting.
I just get so attached to these clowns it kills me to read about them getting hurt. Mine eat from my hand and Queen Mamma will even push her face out of the water and look at me. My only issue is when I go to move some rock and she follows right behind me trying to move the rocks at the same time.