Which comes first: Anemone or Clownfish?


Active Member
I have a new 28 gallon tank currently cycling at home. I'd like its primary occupants to be a couple of clownfish and one or two anemones (along with some other inverts and corals down the road), but of course not all at once, which brings me to my questions:
(1) Should I add the fish or the anemone(s) first? My guess would be the fish, so I can continue getting the cycle in order and smooth out any remaining water quality issues before adding the more sensitive inverts. Does that sound right?
(2) At the end of the day, should I shoot for one anemone per clown, or will two share one? I doubt the latter, but I'd like the benefit of the group's experience.
Thanks so much.


Active Member
I have an Orbit Sunpaq 24" with one dual spectrum daylight bulb (10,000k and 6,700k), one dual spectrum actinic bulb (460nm and 420nm), and two 1 watt moonlights. It's a 28 gallon tank, so at 130 watts I'm at about 4.6 watts per gallon.


Active Member
Clownfish. Your tank needs to age it least a year before introducing an anemone. A freshly cycled tank is no place for an anemone.


138 watts is pretty low end lighting, I'd rather see about 200 or 220 watts no matter how small the tank. I would also prefer to see at least a tank that has aged for 6 months before introducing an anemone.