Which coral grows fastest?!??!


im doing an experimen on a fast growing coral for a science fair
which coral grows the fastest besides xenia??

40 galons

i would say it depends on the conditions of the individual tank, some grow really fast in some ppls tank and barely grow at all in others


Originally Posted by 40 galons
i would say it depends on the conditions of the individual tank, some grow really fast in some ppls tank and barely grow at all in others
yeah thats what im trying to find out or prove in the experiment
see if tank size affects coral growth


if you have two or more tanks the experiment wont be really controlled. The only difference you would want is the size of the tank, i think if you put a divider up in 1 tank it would be best. Make sure the frags are taken from the same part of the same coral and are the same size it would be a pretty good experiment. It might take a while to get measurable differences though. Keep us posted, it sounds great.


Active Member
I'm going with Kidreef, my GSP's and Monti's grow like crazy, definitely fastest growers in my tank. Good luck with your science fair project, are you just going to measure growth rates or what? Any other variables involved? How many tanks will you be using? Maybe I'm getting too involved, just curious. Wish I could have done something like that when I was in school 20 or 25 yrs. ago. Sounds really cool and fun for you in the process, makes it so much easier to do something you have passion for, than doing something on a whim or maybe what others may want you to do. Rock on, and if you put forth real effort, you should do really well. What grade is this for by the way?


Active Member
Its hard to control the tank size issue.
Personally I would set up several 10g tanks...with identical hang on filters and a strip light that covers several. Then I would change some water parameter...say grow frags in different salinities, and see how salinity impacts the growth.
If you change tank sizes...what is it you are measuring? In smaller tanks, parameters can change more readily and that may impact growth. But then it is the parameters, not the tank size, that is affecting things.
Or you can try all 10g tanks plumbed together (to keep parameters constant) and vary the flow in each tank by putting a bunch of powerheads in some and none in others.
Lots of options..


yeah my school is committed to EXPO science fair
i might try GSP or maybe xenia i have both
i would try to plumb together but im trying to spend under $30 on the whole thing since im only doing it because its required
(i know kind of a negative midset


Active Member
Good luck with the project. My "weed" picure was not serious, but Leathers do grow fast at times .
I did Google the quote "fastest growing corals" under the advanced option spot...... Some good reading on many sites there about the subject...


Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
im doing an experimen on a fast growing coral for a science fair
which coral grows the fastest besides xenia??
I would say the fastest growing that I have seen are green star polyps. In the right condition these will spread like wildfire.

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by kidreef
i wish i had an excuse to get a couple 10g my parents dont really care for my tank go figure

ditto, this sounds like an awsome experiment. i think that the salinity idea is great! and it wll me the most benificial experiment IMO