Which do you like DE or SE MH?


Active Member
I've used both and I like both, back when I used DE's the best bulb you could get were 10K's, now we have the same choices (almost) in both DE and SE..I've been running 400 watt SE's for the past 4-5 years, I'm going to soon be switching to 250 watt DE's..
Tell us about your tank.
You can get a 250 watt HQI ballast and run both if you can't decide.

tony detroit

Active Member
I'm running 250SE's right now and am going over to DE"S probably within a month or so.
I'll keep you posted on the improvement. My tank is 28'' deep and I don't think the SE's are cutting it anymore.


Active Member
well, about my tank right now i have 260 watts of pcs and only have one colony polyp group ,about 8 bullseye mushrooms and 1 of those leather toadstools. i want to be able to have anything so i was thinking of getting 2 250 watt mh but i dont know if i want to go de or se.
its also a 90 gallon incase you didnt see my profile.
i am wondering which of the mh run hotter DE or SE?


Active Member
If you are willing to pay for good reflectors DE is better. If you want to keep the price down SE is better.


Active Member
I have DE's in decent reflectors, trust me, an SE in a decent reflector will produce more light. Of course the DE take up less room which is nice but that UV sheild takes a toll on light output.


Active Member
i was gona get 2 250 watt hqi mini reflectors to start with then upgrade it later...
are the mini's good?


Active Member
Hey Reef what is the decent reflector you have your DE's in? That is my problem with the DE's you have to have them in the housings and I'm just not crazy about that, they would take up less room....I guess that's the trade off